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Pre-K Program

Pre-KWe have three rooms for the Pre-K age range. All children must turn 4 by September 30th of the current school year to ensure that the child will be entering kindergarten in the Fall of the next school year.

Through hands-on teacher and child directed, developmentally appropriate, activities based on the children's interests, your child will:

  • Develop large motor skills with opportunities to run, climb and ride tricycles
  • Develop small/fine motor skills through the use of small tools such as tweezers and eyedroppers, and through activities such as drawing or stringing beads together
  • Develop pre-reading and literacy skills by telling stories, acting out stories and having books read to them
  • Build science knowledge through observing, experimenting and drawing conclusions
  • Develop math skills through learning number words and symbols, shapes and learning about patterns
  • Be encouraged to futher develop their creativity with open-ended art materials that allow for activities such as painting, gluing and drawing
  • Continue to develop mediation and social skills through conflict resolution and interactions with others

Your child will feel secure by having a predictable daily schedule that they can easily understand and follow.

Health and safety are our top priority at Hill and Dale. All toys are sanitized daily, mouthed toys are removed and cleaned after a child has played with them. In addition, each child has their own cot that is cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis and as needed. To ensure the identity of all adults authorized to withdraw your child, we use a fingerprinting method to verify adults who come to check-out children. Along with monthly fire drills, the Clark County Fire Department also conducts disaster and earthquake drills.

Enrollment Forms for Pre-K Children

To enroll a child in our Pre-K program, the following forms must be completed. You may complete them online and print them out, or you can print the forms and fill them out by hand. All signatures must be signed by hand; the forms will not allow any text input. Please be aware that these forms are intended for your viewing or printing and will not be saved.

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